Orange County Sheriff, NC, – SuperBee Charger


Each set comes with a waterslide decal sheet, crack & peel license plates and a photo guide to help you place your decals.

Full sheets are $15 and do the approximate quantity for each scale or more:
1:64 = 18 cars, 1:43 does 12 cars, 1:24 does 4 cars, 1:18 scale does 3 cars.

Half sheets are $13 will do half the quantity as a full sheet
1:64 = 9 cars, 1:43 does 6 cars, 1:24 does 2 cars, 1:18 scale does 2 cars.

All pricing is in American Funds (USD).  Canadian Orders please use the Contact Us form and leave your email, we will contact you regarding CAD pricing

SKU: Orange County SuperBee Charger Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Each set comes with a waterslide decal sheet, crack & peel license plates and a photo guide to help you place your decals.

Full sheets are $15 and do the approximate quantity for each scale or more:
1:64 = 18 cars, 1:43 does 12 cars, 1:24 does 4 cars, 1:18 scale does 3 cars.

Half sheets are $13 will do half the quantity as a full sheet
1:64 = 9 cars, 1:43 does 6 cars, 1:24 does 2 cars, 1:18 scale does 2 cars.

All pricing is in American Funds (USD).  Canadian Orders please use the Contact Us form and leave your email, we will contact you regarding CAD pricing